Thursday, February 12, 2009

Small Successes 1


Danielle Bean has started something called Small Successes. Basically, moms need to recognize the small successes in their everyday lives. 3 for each week. Here are mine.........

1 - I managed to get A's appointments all arranged, and care for the other children.

2 - I did not lose my temper this week.

3 - I allowed the children to play outside, in the mud, despite the knowledge that they, and their clothes, would be totally trashed.

1 comment:

Herd Momma said...

Love the mud. Bless the mud. Enjoy the mud. I would love to have mud. We are so very very dry here in Texas. If it were to rain or amazingly snow and make mud, I would probably trash my clothes and play in it too! Good for you letting the girls make fun memories.