Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A funny for today

Overheard in the playroom - Curly Girl is playing with Barbie and Ken. Barbie is pregnant with twins and is having a home birth. They wanted triplets but sadly only got twins. They had a homebirth because they forgot to buy a phone to call the doctor. LOL

Her imagination is hilarious!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I cannot believe I forgot!

I never posted what was determined at the March GI appointment.

Well the most wonderful, fabulous, amazing news is that Wondertwin A has been OUT OF PAIN since the beginning of March!

After the EGD, the GI doc doubled her Prevacid. This finally allowed the gastritis in her stomach to heal. Once healed, she is no longer in pain. Her wonderul, happy, silly, sometimes naughty, often loud true self has been revealed.

We took her off of Loratadine and she takes Periactin as her antihistimine and appetite stimulant. After 2 weeks on the new meds, and being out of pain, Wondertwin A, for the first time ever broke the 34 pound mark.

When we go back in April, I hope to reduce the prevacid and stop the appetite stimulant. I think she will eat now, because it no longer hurts.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

melting my heart...

I was sick this morning, probably a touch of food poisoning. Not so bad that Big Guy had to come home, but sick enough that allowed the Disney Channel Stars (Jonas Bros and Demi Lavato) babysit my children today.

Anyway, while I was sleeping, Curly Girl brought in a newspaper that she made for me (a la Kit Kittredge of the AG stories). Here is the newspaper.

Translation: Mom is sick. Oh, poor Mom. I love Mom. Get well. The End.

I am thinking of counting toward spelling, handwriting, and character development - see I can even homeschool them when I sleep.