Monday, October 13, 2008

My bounty

This is partially a reposting a a former post, but since I do not know how to change to a current date, I am just cutting and pasting.

Pictures coming soon, but I wanted to share the yummy things I have been able to make; thanks to the goodness of friends.

My garden failed this year. You see, we just moved into this wonderful house last September. Therefore, we did not know where the spring rains would drain. This year was a very wet year in the midwest. It seems our garden, planted in May, was the low spot in the neighborhood. Therefore, everything flooded. We were able to harvest some tomatoes, but only little ones. Oh, and poison ivy is apparently growing there too.

Anyway, some friends and family gave me veggies and fruit to can/freeze.
I have canned or frozen:
9 jelly jars of peach jam
9 1/2 qts of peaches
7 jars of chili sauce
3 jars spaghetti sauce
9 qts + 1 pt tomatos
2 gallons of peppers
1 gallon cabbage
2 gallons green beans
2 jars of cherry pie filling
12 qts + 2 pints + 6 jelly jars for dh to take to work of applesauce
1 qt of apple pie filling
1 pt + 7 jelly jars of apple butter

Grandma Betty gave us a good portion of those tomatoes and peppers and all of the green beans! Of course her garden was wonderful.

Thanks to all of my good friends who gave us their excess fruits and veggies so that we could have some yummy food later in the year: Joni, Anna, Stephanie, just to name a few.

Also, thank you God for the wonderful food that you provide for us, in many ways, throughout the year.

Tell me what you have canned this year.

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